Same (ancient Greece)

Not to be confused with Samos

Same (Greek: Σάμη) is an Ancient Greek name of a Homeric and unidentified island in the Ionian Sea, near Ithaca and Cephalonia. In Homer's Iliad, book II, in the Catalogue of Ships, Same is described as part of Odysseus's kingdom. In Homer's Odyssey, there is an interesting Geographical description:

"Now there is a rocky islet called Asteris, of no great size, in mid channel between Ithaca and Same, and there is a harbor on either side of it where a ship can lie. Here then the Achaeans [the suitors] placed themselves in ambush [on Telemakhos] ".[1]

From the above passage, it is obvious that Homer's Same is not the Greek island Samos in the Eastern Aegean Sea, Same should be located in the Ionian Sea, near Homer's Ithaca and there should be at least one rocky island between the two islands. Also, this rocky island should be located South of Homer's Ithaca where Telemakhos would arrive from South-West Peloponnese. Based on the above information, Wilhelm Dörpfeld in his essay "Alt-Ithaka: Ein Beitrag zur Homer-Frage" estimated that Same was present day Ithaca.

In Homer's Odyssey, one of the Suitors, Ctesippus, is described as "a man from Same, who had no sense of right and wrong" and attempts to throw a cow's hoof at Odysseus.


  1. ^ Homer's Odyssey, Hom. Od. 4.20